Friday, July 20, 2012


Visit to Mullikulam
The second visit to Mullikulam was made on the 12th of July. The group arrived there by about 11.30. The goods contributed by different communities were distributed or handed over to the community leaders. The parish priest also was with the people when we reached the place. We learned that he visit the community quite regularly.

While we were chatting with the community, the British High commissioner arrived at the venue. His arrival prompted an interesting discussion. Naturally, he was shocked to see the plight of the people.  He made a number of inquiries. People introduced their Issue to the High Commissioner quite well.

How did this crisis originate was the first questioned that was raided. In their answer, people told him that their dream is to get back to their original land. The high commissioner asked the people as to why they can't get back to the original land. The answer was that the reasons are not revealed to them by the authorities.
The question was also raised by someone during the discussion if the Navy is determined to take over a large extend of land about 1500 acres, including their own land, why they cannot set aside some acreage needed for their settlement.

Over 200 families have arrived. The jungle has been cleared up and little huts are being built. Cadjans have been provided by the Bishop of Mannar.  But people have to depend on relief for their survival, which was an alien life style for them because they were hard working people. They earned from the sea and land as well. At present, they have no means of livelihood. They have no fishing gear to go for fishing. Also they have not been allocated a permanent land as yet.

It was mentioned to the commissioner that when they were told to leave area by the army the assurance was given to them that they could return in 3 days. Believing their word, people left behind all their belongings including the fishing gear. But when they returned they are left with nothing.

People asked the British High commissioner for his intervention to find a solution.  He said he cannot offer a solution as that is the responsibility of the State. But he said he would take up the matter with the authorities and also share this information with the other diplomats.

Meanwhile the community is planning to celebrate the Church Feast.

Fr. Sarath Iddamalgoda
P Please consider the environment before printing this email

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